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Hello!! Sorry for the intrusion, hehehe. My name is Felipe, and until recently, I have been editing games for the Spectrum on cassette. Due to personal and work reasons, I’m going to stop editing, and I'm saying goodbye with a compilation of homebrew games for The Spectrum on USB. I want it to be the best and most complete compilation of homebrew games that has ever been made. It will be a non-profit edition, just to provide users of The Spectrum with a pack to spend hours and hours in front of their ZX. I’ve seen some of your games on and wanted to ask if you would be interested in contributing any of your ZX games to this compilation. I already have legendary creators from the scene on board, but I’d also like to reach out to you. It can be one game, two, or as many as you want, in .TAP format. Even simply granting me permission and letting me know which games I could include would be enough, and I can download them from We have created a system where the games will be encrypted, and no one will be able to use them digitally; they will only be playable on their The Spectrum, Divide, or computer. My email is Best regards, and thank you very much

Great game on Currah uSpeech, thank you. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New ZX Spectrum Games from July 2024" video, in addition to all the other ZX Spectrum games released in July.

Absolutely awesome retro style arcade game. Love it. Had a first play of it on my live twitch stream.

A promising game! But that Spectrum cursor layout, hmm. If an option to redefine keys isn't feasible at all, may I suggest an alternative .tap using O,P,Q,A,M,Z or O,P,Q,A,M,Space ?

Or, for two-player keyboard, it could be something like W,E,Q,A,Z,S for P1 and O,P,I,K,M,L or something similar (see the pattern for finger positions on all layouts I proposed ?).

Thanks for considering!

The layout is because of the Interface II support.
I honestly don't hink that it is really playable without joystick.

I didn't expect such a great response. Many thanks for that.

If you're interested, I could keep a hiscore table here on the site. Just add a photo of your score in the comments. If there are enough entries I assemble something.


Really FUN game.  I gave it a whirl yesterday and also made a video.  Well done and so happy to see more Next games coming out.  I like how you finally finished the game for the older Speccy and now the Next addition.  Here is my go.  tj

Tranks for the video. I'm glad to see that you have fun with the game.
A tip: To revive your wingman you have to collect (touch) the "+1".

Ah yes, as you saw, I was afraid to touch that.  hahaha

Here after watching TJ's Video,  I look forward to playing it myself.


That TJ guys is a nice man but crazy.  hahaha.  Glad you are going to check out the game.  It is a nice one!

fab game!  

ZX Spectrum version needs Kempston support. :)

I will look into it, but AFAIR the Kempston was 1 joy port only.
Give me some time...

Found no way to detect Kempston automatically and I don't want to add a UI. Furthermore there are Kempston interfaces with more than 1 button around, which are impossible to distinguish. So, also the buttons would require configuration from the UI.
So, not much hope for the Kempston unfortunately...

Nice game!